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  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Thursday, March 13, 2025
  • 04:50 AM
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Newsies Outdoor Summer Theatre at Sundance Resort

Based on the real-life Newsboys Strike of 1899 in New York City, “Newsies” tells the inspiring story of the newsboys and newsgirls who stand up against powerful publishers to demand fair treatment. The musical follows the storyline of the charismatic but rebellious Jack Kelly, who rallies the Newsies in a fight against the greedy newspaper publishers. Filled with energetic and catchy songs, the musical explores themes of solidarity, friendship, the power of the press, and the relatable tale of the underdog standing up for what is right.

TICKETS ON SALE in April or May.

Sundance Mountain Resort
8841 North Alpine Loop Road
Sundance, Utah 84604
801-223-4567 (Box Office)
General Schedule
Jul 18 - Aug 10
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