Join us for a Strongman Competition at the Heber City Main Street Park during the Red, White, and Blue Festival! Participate or spectate.
This event will be a two-hour competition beginning at 2:30 pm. The goal is for this event to get bigger yearly with more competitors, prizes, and events.
The events this year will include:
The last man standing deadlift rising bar, Wessels rules. Men’s bar starts at 315, and women’s bar starts at 185. You get three attempts, and if you fail you are out. For example, if you fail your second attempt, you do not get a third.
Men's jumps will be between 40 and 50 pounds; jumps will be 20 to 40 pounds for women.
The last man standing raises bar, log clean, and presses—same rules as for the deadlift. Men’s log will start at 135, and women’s will begin at 65.
Farmers carry/sandbag medley. Athletes will do a farmers carry 50 feet, once reaching 50 feet they will immediately carry a sandbag back 50 feet. Weights are still being determined, there is a 60 second time limit best time wins.
Stone to shoulder for reps in 60 seconds weights are still being determined.
If you are interested in participating, please email Micah Gogan at [email protected].
We look forward to this opportunity to grow the sport of Strongman here in Heber!