Heber City, Utah (Sept 27, 2021) — The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) will hold public meetings for conceptual alternatives identified as part of the Heber Valley Corridor Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Two public meetings, one virtual and one in-person, are scheduled for early October as follows:
Virtual Meeting: Oct. 5 from 5 - 8 p.m.
Meeting will be held via Zoom. A link will be provided in advance on the project Facebook page and project website. If planning to join virtually via Facebook, please be sure to join the Facebook group in advance. Project team members will give a formal presentation at the beginning of the meeting, which will be followed by a question and answer session. For those who miss the formal presentation, it will be recorded for the public to review.
In-Person Open House: Oct. 6 from 5 - 8 p.m.
Meeting will be held at Heber Valley Elementary School, 730 S 600 W, Heber City, Utah 84032.
At the in-person meeting, the community will have an opportunity to review the materials and speak directly with team members. While no formal presentation is planned for the in-person open house event, the same information presented in the virtual meeting will be available at this meeting.
UDOT plans to make the conceptual alternatives available on the study website ahead of the public meetings, as early as Friday Oct. 1. Thirteen alternatives have been developed: six concepts focus on improving U.S. 40, four concepts for a western bypass, three concepts for an eastern bypass and a transit option based on the recommendations of Wasatch County Transit Study (2020). These alternative concepts were developed using information from previous studies, public comments and traffic analysis conducted by the EIS project team.
During this phase of the EIS, the public is encouraged to review the conceptual alternatives and provide comments starting Oct. 5. UDOT is seeking comments on the range of alternatives, the criteria used to screen alternatives and identification of any social, economic, and environmental impacts. The public comment period will be open from Oct. 5 through Nov. 4, 2021.
To learn more about the project and submit comments when the comment period opens, citizens can use the contact information provided below:
Website: hebervalleyeis.udot.utah.gov
Email: hebervalleyeis@utah.gov
Phone: 801-210-0498
“Public input helped inform the development of these concepts,” said Craig Hancock, UDOT Project Manager. “We hope that the community will continue to provide their input to us during this stage of the process. We want to develop solutions that meet the project’s purpose and improve transportation for the valley.”
Following the scoping period held last April, UDOT also revised the study’s purpose and need statement to include opportunities for non-motorized transportation (or active transportation) as a primary purpose. Accommodations for non-motorized transportation such as cycling and walking could be provided through trails, bike lanes etc., and will be incorporated into alternative concepts that pass the screening process.
Those without internet access or requiring language or other accommodations to participate in the process are asked to notify the project team at 801-210-0498 or hebervalleyeis@utah.gov for assistance.
Geoff Dupaix, Region Three Senior Communications Manager