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[{"type":"default","idm":"6455828","label":"Groups 4 DAY Winter","ins":"2023-06-06T21:05:53.921Z","cover_img":"https://www.earthdiver.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=500,quality=75,format=auto/https://assets.earthdiver.com/media/media-image-2749460.jpg?w=1800&h=1248&tick=1666635037160","start_date":"06/11/23","n_days":"4","favorites":[{"url":"adventourage","image":"media-image-2748679.jpg?w=432&h=405&tick=1665610527904","name":"Adventourage","id":5582788,"type":"master","subtext":"Midway City","label":"Adventourage","topics":"Attractions, Business Listings, Outfitters, Winter Activities"},{"url":"backcountry-adventures-fly-fishing","image":"media-2727386.jpg","name":"Backcountry Adventures Fly Fishing","id":5528134,"type":"master","subtext":"Heber City","label":"Backcountry Adventures Fly Fishing","topics":"Business Listings, Outfitters, Recreation"},{"url":"Deer-Valley-Resort","image":"media-2727208.jpg","name":"Deer Valley Resort","id":5527008,"type":"master","subtext":"Park City","label":"Deer Valley Resort","topics":"Attractions, Business Listings, Dining, Lodging, Outfitters, Winter Activities"},{"url":"Filler-Up-Coffee-Station","image":"media-2725683.jpg","name":"Fill'er Up Coffee & Ice Cream","id":5527776,"type":"master","subtext":"Midway","label":"Fill'er Up Coffee & Ice Cream","topics":"Business Listings, Dining"},{"url":"HomesteadGolfClub","image":"media-2724512.jpg","name":"Homestead Golf Club","id":5527020,"type":"master","subtext":"Midway","label":"Homestead Golf Club","topics":"Attractions, Golfing, Recreation"},{"url":"Homestead-Resort","image":"media-2726430.jpg","name":"Homestead Resort","id":5526915,"type":"master","subtext":"Midway","label":"Homestead Resort","topics":"Business Listings, Lodging, Venues"},{"url":"Midway-Mercantile","image":"media-2726843.jpg","name":"Midway Mercantile","id":5528089,"type":"master","subtext":"Midway","label":"Midway 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Activities"},{"url":"Zipline-Utah","image":"","name":"Zipline Utah","id":5527993,"type":"master","subtext":"Heber City","label":"Zipline Utah","topics":"Attractions, Business Listings"}],"scheduled":[[{"type":"master","id":"5526926","duration":"","start_time":"","notes":"","label":"The St. Regis Deer Valley Resort","subtext":"Park City"},{"type":"master","id":"5527008","duration":"","start_time":"","notes":"","label":"Deer Valley Resort","subtext":"Park City"},{"type":"master","id":"5526979","duration":"","start_time":"","notes":"","label":"The Utah Crater","subtext":"Midway"}],[{"type":"master","id":"5526926","duration":"","start_time":"","notes":"","label":"The St. Regis Deer Valley Resort","subtext":"Park City"},{"type":"master","id":"5582788","duration":"","start_time":"","notes":"","label":"Adventourage","subtext":"Midway City"},{"type":"master","id":"5527133","duration":"","start_time":"","notes":"","label":"Utah Ice 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  • 42°
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Saturday, March 29, 2025
  • 08:29 PM
Light Rain 42°
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L: 31°
Tuesday H: 55°
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4 Day Groups Winter

Groups 4 DAY Winter


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Backcountry Adventures Fly Fishing
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Deer Valley Resort
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Fill'er Up Coffee & Ice Cream
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Homestead Golf Club
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Homestead Resort
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Midway Mercantile
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OG Cafe
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Ritual Chocolate
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The Lakehouse at Deer Creek
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The Milk House at Homestead
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The St. Regis Deer Valley Resort
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The Utah Crater
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Utah Ice Castles
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Wilderness Access Outfitters
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Zipline Utah
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Groups 4 DAY Winter
  • 06/11/23
  • 4 days
  • 16 favorites
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Day 1

The St. Regis Deer Valley Resort
Park City
Deer Valley Resort
Park City
The Utah Crater

Day 2

The St. Regis Deer Valley Resort
Park City
Midway City
Utah Ice Castles
Midway Mercantile

Day 3

The St. Regis Deer Valley Resort
Park City
Deer Valley Resort
Park City
Wilderness Access Outfitters
Heber City

Day 4

Ritual Chocolate
Heber City
Zipline Utah
Heber City
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