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[{"type":"default","idm":0,"label":"Trip to Heber","ins":"2025-03-14T18:56:18.789Z","cover_img":"https://www.earthdiver.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=500,quality=75,format=auto/https://assets.earthdiver.com/media/media-image-2749460.jpg?w=1800&h=1248&tick=1666635037160","start_date":"2025-03-21T18:56:18.789Z","n_days":4,"favorites":[],"scheduled":[[],[],[],[],[],[],[]],"last_interaction":{"when":"2025-03-14T18:56:18.789Z","type":"trip created"},"ind":0}]
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Friday 03/21/25
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  • 33°
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Friday, March 14, 2025
  • 12:56 PM
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Monday H: 48°
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January 2025 Director's Letter

January is always the time when we think about the goals we want to make and what we want to do differently. In his book Atomic Habits, author James Clear said something I find fascinating. “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” Think about this for a quick moment. How often have you, like me, set lofty goals with all the gusto and zeal you can muster, only to see that frenetic energy dissipate? I realized the goal wasn’t the failure, but instead the system in place to reach that goal. I hadn’t thought through the steps and things to put in place to help me achieve that goal. The small daily habits that lead me to achieve my goal.

For example, if I want to write every day, I need to have a system in place that outlines the time, place, and duration I would like to spend on this goal. Time – 8:30 am, Place – my office, Duration – minimum 15 minutes. The time, place, and duration become the system I have built around my goal. The system for your goal will look different, but what are the parameters by which you will achieve your goal?

This year the Chamber team is building new systems to help us achieve our goals for 2025. At our Chamber luncheon this week, we outlined a few goals and objectives we want to reach this year. These include increasing organic community engagement, fostering collaboration among local businesses, and strengthening partnerships between tourism and local businesses. Part of
our system is creating an accountability partner, and that partner is you! The Chamber membership will play a crucial role in keeping us accountable for working on our goals.

You all are probably doing something very similar in your business or personal life. Think about the sales goals or growth opportunities you want to hit, or launching a new product, or reaching a new market. No matter what it is, I encourage you to think about the systems you might put in place to help you reach those goals. Your system could include time, place, duration, people, technology, or any other host of ideas that will help you keep on task. I would also encourage you to lean on your fellow Chamber members for accountability or expertise. There are at least 300 other members willing to offer assistance, a listening ear, expertise, or check ins as you journey along your goal path.

I truly believe with this kind of business-to-business connection, our valley will see tremendous results not only in our economy, but also in the social fabric that binds us together. Happy 2025, and here’s to a great New Year!

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