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Trip to Heber
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Trip to Heber
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[{"type":"default","idm":0,"label":"Trip to Heber","ins":"2025-03-06T09:08:18.805Z","cover_img":",quality=75,format=auto/","start_date":"2025-03-13T09:08:18.805Z","n_days":4,"favorites":[],"scheduled":[[],[],[],[],[],[],[]],"last_interaction":{"when":"2025-03-06T09:08:18.805Z","type":"trip created"},"ind":0}]
Join us to celebrate Mexican-American culture, music, food, and fun on the Cinco De Mayo Train. We depart at 7 pm sharp and will enjoy a 90-minute round-trip train ride. On board, you'll enjoy music from Mariachi Los Pumas - a fun Mariachi band from BYU. The ride will include singing, trivia, prizes, and other fun. And plan on coming early - by 6:30 pm at the latest.
You can also buy a ticket to ride in the First Class 850 table car. This beautifully restored car has tables for 4.