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September 2018 Business of the Month: All That Stuff in the Barn

Eclectic: deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources. If you have been inside All that Stuff in the Barn in Midway, you’d could definitely say they meet this definition of eclectic.

Customers are treated to a wide array of styles, home décor items, furniture, yard art, holiday inspiration, craft ideas, and even some man-cave items like vintage metal signs and more, giving the whole experience that eclectic charm that Jerry and Deb Zenger, store owners, intend.

“It’s always been a little of everything. We try to be eclectic,” said Deb. Their inventory started out with things that she like and as the store grew she branched out to find things that were trending and good sellers.

It’s been said that variety is the spice of life. Jerry and Deb have been in the retail business with a few different stores for over 40 years. In those 40 years they say there has been quite the daily variety to add plenty of spice to their lives.

“Every day is different. There’s always something to do, and more then you’ll ever get done,” said Jerry.

Beyond the seemingly endless lists of things to do and daily changes, it’s been serving the customer that has made the Zengers most happy. Jerry said retail is about taking care of the customer, so they leave with a good feeling.

“That’s probably one of the best things to hear from people is that they have a good feeling coming to the store. It makes it very satisfying to know that you have created something people enjoy.”

Over 20 years ago Deb and Jerry opened the doors to their once small 600 square foot retail store just in time for the annual Swiss Days festival in Midway. Even from the very beginning their store has been about providing variety of unique inventory to their guests. Today, their business has grown to over 10,000 square feet of retail space with the latest addition just completed before Swiss Days this year.

20 years in business is nothing to scoff at, it’s quite the accomplishment, but the roots of the Barn go back way beyond 1998. Jerry was born and raised in Midway, right there on the property near the corner of 300 West and 100 North. Jerry marks the fourth generation in the Zenger family line to live on that land.

Now the land is a store that attracts customers from all over Utah and around the country. During Swiss days All that Stuff in the Barn is always a must hit shop on the route. It’s hard to imagine what Midway would be like without this iconic landmark. The Zengers have put their heart and soul into creating a place where people what to be and want to shop.

For their continued efforts to grow and expand their store and serving as one of the valley’s true destination shops, the Heber Valley Chamber of Commerce is proud to recognize All that Stuff in the Barn as the September Business of the Month.



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