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Trip to Heber
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[{"type":"default","idm":0,"label":"Trip to Heber","ins":"2025-03-26T15:52:27.652Z","cover_img":",quality=75,format=auto/","start_date":"2025-04-02T15:52:27.652Z","n_days":4,"favorites":[],"scheduled":[[],[],[],[],[],[],[]],"last_interaction":{"when":"2025-03-26T15:52:27.652Z","type":"trip created"},"ind":0}]
November 2021 Business of the Month: Timpanogos Valley Theatre
Located in the historic Heber City Social Hall, the Timpanogos Valley Theatre Company (TVT) serves our community with beautifully produced performances throughout the year. Drawing on a diverse and talented local population, TVT is able to produce world-class performances each year. If you missed The Hunchback of Notre Dame earlier this year, get your tickets now for It’s A Wonderful Life. And check out their upcoming performances in 2022.
Aside from major productions, TVT works diligently to help introduce arts to the youth in our community and prides itself on its Youth Theatre program. This past summer, TVT produced three children's theater musicals and one very large community theater production with a cast and choir of 50 people – all wrapped up by Labor Day weekend. TVT is successful in a large part due to its dedicated volunteers who step up and make each production special and unique. Grant funding provides critical financial support to make these performances possible and TVT works hard to stretch every dollar to make it count. With inventive set pieces, eye-catching props, updated sound systems, new microphones, and period costumes (including shared costume pieces with other theater companies), TVT staff and volunteers are dedicated to continuing the rich arts culture in Heber Valley. It is true community theater when there is abundant community support.
Of the many supporters – too many to list them all, in fact – a special mention of thanks to the Utah Arts and Museums, Wasatch County Arts Council, Wasatch Community Foundation, Heber City Council, Community Alliance for Main Street, and the many businesses and individuals who step up to help ensure the viability of Timpanogos Valley Theatre. And hats off to the many patrons who support the programs of this local theater company.
Trudi Harter, President of TVT, speaks so highly of the dedicated community that continues to support TVT. She recognizes and greatly appreciates the local support and funding that TVT receives and she is so sincere in her thanks to this amazing community for all it gives back.