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[{"type":"default","idm":0,"label":"Trip to Heber","ins":"2025-03-27T00:23:32.138Z","cover_img":"https://www.earthdiver.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=500,quality=75,format=auto/https://assets.earthdiver.com/media/media-image-2749460.jpg?w=1800&h=1248&tick=1666635037160","start_date":"2025-04-03T00:23:32.138Z","n_days":4,"favorites":[],"scheduled":[[],[],[],[],[],[],[]],"last_interaction":{"when":"2025-03-27T00:23:32.138Z","type":"trip created"},"ind":0}]
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  • 71°
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Wednesday, March 26, 2025
  • 06:23 PM
Sunny 71°
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Friday H: 71°
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Saturday H: 60°
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L: 30°

January 2022 Business of the Month: MTECH

With its mission being “to enhance the employability of individuals through market-driven career and technical education” the local Mountainland Technical College (MTECH) provides a unique and customizable education program for high school and adult students. Based on five core areas of focus, MTECH helps to meet the needs of Utah’s employers for technically skilled workers.

The five core pillars are: program development, student achievement, faculty support, physical resources, and community outreach. MTECH is an integral part of staffing solutions in our community. The educational institution prepares students of all ages to enter, re-enter, upgrade, or advance in their field and within the workplace, contributing in major ways to the economic vitality and growth of industry in Heber Valley and the surrounding areas. These competency-based educational programs consist of short-term or long-term, classroom and lab, college campus and onsite at the workplace, apprenticeships, and custom-designed programs to fit the needs of the students and the employers. And most programs are offered in a flexible open-entry format, allowing for students to begin at any time in their educational or career paths.

There are “Learn and Work” scholarships that are available if a potential student meets specific requirements, making the MTECH education tuition free. And once an MTECH program is complete, a student can transfer that certification to a local college or university to further continue in their educational pursuits. MTECH has a special partnership with Utah Valley University (UVU) for accepting these certificates to count toward an advanced degree program at UVU. Allowing high school students to enroll and begin coursework while still in high school and offering flexibility for adult students to increase their skills while still working a full-time job are two BIG reasons MTECH has been so successful. The programs are flexible and affordable with most students graduating without any student debt and ready to enter the workforce in a high-paying career. It’s really a no-brainer!

Wasatch West Campus, 200 E 800 S, Heber City, UT 84032 

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