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[{"type":"default","idm":0,"label":"Trip to Heber","ins":"2025-03-26T13:51:36.210Z","cover_img":"https://www.earthdiver.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=500,quality=75,format=auto/https://assets.earthdiver.com/media/media-image-2749460.jpg?w=1800&h=1248&tick=1666635037160","start_date":"2025-04-02T13:51:36.210Z","n_days":4,"favorites":[],"scheduled":[[],[],[],[],[],[],[]],"last_interaction":{"when":"2025-03-26T13:51:36.210Z","type":"trip created"},"ind":0}]
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December 2020 Business of the Month: Café Galleria

If you have been to Café Galleria recently, you’ll notice things are a bit different these days, and it’s all according to plan. Café Galleria has undergone new ownership and a new transformation in the past year. From the décor on the inside to the new patio and Alpenglobes on the outside almost every part of the business has been touched with a bit of change, except one thing: the food.

David Quintana, and Edgar Agirre, are co-managers of the classic pizzeria, and have intentionally kept the menu the same from when the restaurant first opened to when it changed hands.

“Café Galleria already had a great following, and we didn’t want to mess that up or change it in anyway,” said Quintana. So instead of changing the menu they have worked hard with the owners, Andrew Jenkins and Rob Hellewell, to elevate the experience.

“We want Café Galleria to become a destination, a place where you come to have fun and enjoy great food with friends and family,” said Quintana.

Creating a destination restaurant is about attention to detail and carefully crafting the restaurant spaces. It is almost the same attitude and attention to detail it takes in crafting their pizza’s in their traditional woodfired pizza oven. Quintana said it takes greater effort to watch over the pizzas to make sure they are evenly cooked. Each pizza has to be turned at the right moment, so the chef has to pay close attention to all the signs of a cooking pizza. All that effort is worth it in the final product.

It’s this same level a meticulous care and crafting of the pizzas and other food served at Café Galleria that Quintana and Agirre have put into creating an experience that will bring people back to the restaurant over and over again.

One of the most noticeable changes has been the addition of the Alpenglobes to the exterior patio. With the rise of COVID this year the team at Café Galleria needed to get creative to provide a safe space and social distancing for their customers. Through some planning the Alpenglobes were designed and developed for the restaurant. Now, according to Quintana, the globes have been a very big hit. They started with three globes, but the appeal for guests to have their own unique spaces grew so much they added three more. And all that effort has been worth it.

Café Galleria and the other restaurants in Midway are leading the charge to create destination dining experiences. Because of their creativity in coping with COVID and their continued investment into the community, the Heber Valley Chamber is proud to recognize Café Galleria as the December Business of the Month.

For more information about the alpenglobes and to reserve your own visit - https://www.thecafegalleria.com/

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