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Trip to Heber
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December 2017 Business of the Month: Wright Orthodontics
It’s been said the quickest route between to points is a straight line. For some of us getting where we want to end up takes a few twists, a couple of curves, or maybe a route recalculation.
For Dr. Todd Wright of Wright Orthodontics, a Heber native, knew he wanted to end up back in his home town, but the route getting here changed along the way.
“Growing up I was very interested in aerospace and planes,” said Wright. With that in mind Wright headed to Utah State University to study engineering. Somewhere along the way he realized the route to engineering might mean life in a “cubicle.”
“I love working with people. I wanted to do something with my hands that would keep me around people,” he said.
After a trip to visit a brother who was just finishing up orthodontics school it became clear that the dental route was something that would fit his passions of science, working with his hands and working and interacting with people.
Soon the path back to Heber would curve again to an opportunity for Todd to work with his brother Bill. As most people would agree working with family can be tough, but for both of them it has been a great experience.
Since 2013, they have been practicing together at Wright Orthodontics. They have two offices, one in the Vernal Basin area and the other in Heber Valley. Working together both doctors have been able to create a business and treatment model to improve the patient experience.
“We want to offer the latest and greatest treatment options to our patients so they feel like they get the same quality care here in Heber Valley as they would in a bigger city,” said Todd. Together they review each patient to identify the right care plan. Having a second “in house” opinion has made a significant difference in their approach allowing them to focus only on the treatments the patient actually needs.
Between the two areas, Wright Orthodontics employs about 30 people. Todd runs the Heber office while Bill heads up the Vernal office. Both are quick to say they couldn’t do what they do without their talented staff.
Through some twists and turns and career route recalculation, Dr. Todd Wright has been able to make it back to his hometown and is grateful for the path it orthodontia has opened up for him.