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  • 71°
  • Heber Valley, Utah
  • Wednesday, March 26, 2025
  • 06:29 PM
Sunny 71°
Thursday H: 74°
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Friday H: 71°
L: 40°
Saturday H: 60°
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Rock Cliff Recreation Area

Rock Cliff Recreation Area, located on the east shore of Jordanelle Reservoir, is a unique getaway. The focus of this recreation site is to preserve and protect the scenic corridor along the Provo River with as little alteration and negative impact as possible. Toward this end, fishing along this section of the river is limited to artificial flies and lures only Rock Cliff has maintained a peaceful, natural setting where wildlife is plentiful and solitude is easy to find.

Rock Cliff has reopened with a partnership between Wasatch Mountain Institute and Jordanelle State Park. Visit and enjoy a tour along the boardwalk, check out a pair of binoculars and a bird checklist, go fishing, or bring your small, non-motorized boat to explore the lagoon. To reach Rock Cliff, travel north of Heber City on US Hwy 40 to the junction with Utah Hwy 32, then follow Hwy 32 toward Francis. Rock Cliff is on the left side of the highway about two miles west of Francis.

Jordanelle State Park
2500 State Route 32
Kamas, Utah 84032
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