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The Heber Valley Chamber's 13th annual Golf Tournament at the Wasatch Mountain - Lake Course is on Tuesday, August 5. The golf tournament includes golf, breakfast, lunch, contests, prizes, networking, and fun! Breakfast and check-in begin at 7 AM with a shotgun start at 8 AM.
Considered the "funnest" golf tournament in Utah, this is one event you will not want to miss. With local businesses at every hole, a cheater package raffle, and a 50/50 raffle, there is a ton of opportunity to win. Plus, join us for lunch after the tournament as we announce the golf and raffle winners with great locally donated prizes. MORE INFORMATION TO COME SOON!
Help us raise funds to support local students working in local businesses with our Wasatch Works Scholarship Program. Wasatch Works was created to help empower our local youth and pave the way to their bright future while encouraging them to enter our local workforce and help our businesses struggling with staffing shortages. Your participation and any generous donations during the event will significantly impact their lives, support their journey toward higher education, and help fill a need for many of our local companies. Consider donating today!